;;; url - handle url's and parse HTTP ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2005 by Sam Steingold. ;;; This is Free Software, covered by the GNU GPL (v2) ;;; See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ;;; ;;; $Id: url.lisp,v 2.60 2006/08/24 02:29:16 sds Exp $ ;;; $Source: /cvsroot/clocc/clocc/src/cllib/url.lisp,v $ (eval-when (compile load eval) (require :cllib-base (translate-logical-pathname "clocc:src;cllib;base")) ;; `index-t' (require :cllib-withtype (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:withtype")) ;; `kwd', `+kwd+' (require :cllib-symb (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:symb")) ;; `string-beg-with', `split-string' (require :cllib-string (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:string")) ;; `read-trim', `file-size-t', `file-size' (require :cllib-fileio (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:fileio")) ;; `mesg', `elapsed', `get-int-time', `list-format' (require :cllib-log (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:log")) ;; `to-list' (require :cllib-simple (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:simple")) ;; `pr-secs' (require :cllib-tilsla (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:tilsla")) ;; `dttm->string', `string->dttm' (require :cllib-date (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:date")) ;; `base64-encode' (require :cllib-base64 (translate-logical-pathname "cllib:base64")) ;; `run-prog' (require :port-shell (translate-logical-pathname "port:shell")) ;; `with-timeout' (require :port-proc (translate-logical-pathname "port:proc")) ;; `getenv' (require :port-sys (translate-logical-pathname "port:sys")) ;; `socket', `network', `socket-service-port', `open-socket' (require :port-net (translate-logical-pathname "port:net"))) (in-package :cllib) (export '(url make-url url-p url-ask url-eta protocol-rfc url-prot url-user url-pass url-host url-port url-path url-get-host url-get-port url-string-p url-path-parse url-path-dir url-path-file url-path-args open-socket-retry open-url with-open-url ftp-list url-send-mail url-get-news url-time *http-proxy* http-proxy browse-url *browsers* *browser* *url-output* *url-error* *nntp-server* *url-replies* *url-errors* *url-user-agent* dump-url url-get whois finger flush-http)) ;;; ;;; {{{ URL handling ;;; (defstruct (url) "URL - Uniform Resource Locator: protocol://user#password@host:port/path." (prot nil :type symbol) ; protocol (user "" :type simple-string) ; username (pass "" :type simple-string) ; password (host "" :type simple-string) ; hostname (port 0 :type fixnum) ; port number (path "" :type simple-string)) ; pathname (defconst +bad-url+ url (make-url) "*The convenient constant for init.") (defcustom *rfc-base* (or null string) "http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc~d.html" "*The format string used to generate the URL in `protocol-rfc'. When NIL, just the RFC numbers are returned.") (defun protocol-rfc (protocol) "Return the RFC url for the given protocol. See <http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/information/rfc.html> <http://rfc.net/>, <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/> and `*RFC-BASE*'." (let* ((prot (typecase protocol (symbol (if (keywordp protocol) protocol (kwd protocol))) (string (kwd protocol)) (url (url-prot protocol)) (t (error 'case-error :proc 'protocol-rfc :args (list 'protocol protocol 'symbol 'string 'url))))) (rfcs (case prot ((:http :www) '(1945 2068)) (:ftp '(959)) ((:smtp :mailto) '(821)) (:telnet '(1205)) (:whois '(954 2167)) (:finger '(1288)) (:time '(1305)) ((:nntp :news) '(977)) (t (error 'code :proc 'protocol-rfc :args (list prot) :mesg "Cannot handle protocol ~s"))))) (if *rfc-base* (mapcar (lambda (cc) (url (format nil *rfc-base* cc))) rfcs) rfcs))) (defun protocol-port (proto) (flet ((ssp (st) (ignore-errors (servent-port (socket-service-port st))))) (or (ssp (string-downcase (string proto))) (ssp (case proto (:mailto "smtp") (:news "nntp") (:www "http"))) ;; yuk!! Solaris 2.5.1 does not have http in /etc/services (and (eq proto :http) 80) (error 'code :proc 'protocol-port :args (list proto) :mesg "Cannot guess the port for ~s")))) (defcustom *url-output* (or null stream) *standard-output* "*Where the logs go.") (defstruct (proxy (:type list)) user-pass host port) (defcustom *http-proxy* list nil "*A list of 3 elements (user:password host port), parsed from $HTTP_PROXY proxy-user:proxy-password@proxy-host:proxy-port by `http-proxy'.") (defun http-proxy (&optional (proxy-string (getenv "HTTP_PROXY") proxy-p)) "When the argument is supplied or `*http-proxy*' is NIL, parse the argument, set `*http-proxy*', and return it; otherwise just return `*http-proxy*'." (when (or proxy-p (and (null *http-proxy*) proxy-string)) (check-type proxy-string string) (let* ((start (if (string-equal #1="http://" proxy-string :end2 (min (length proxy-string) #2=#.(length #1#))) #2# 0)) (at (position #\@ proxy-string :start start)) (colon (position #\: proxy-string :start (or at start)))) (setq *http-proxy* (make-proxy :user-pass (and at (subseq proxy-string start at)) :host (subseq proxy-string (if at (1+ at) start) colon) :port (if colon (parse-integer proxy-string :start (1+ colon)) (protocol-port "http")))) (mesg :log *url-output* "~&;; ~S=~S~%" '*http-proxy* *http-proxy*))) *http-proxy*) (defun url-get-port (url) "Get the correct port of the URL - if the port is not recorded there, guess from the protocol; save the guessed value." (declare (type url url)) (case (url-prot url) (:http (when *http-proxy* (return-from url-get-port (proxy-port *http-proxy*))))) (if (zerop (url-port url)) (setf (url-port url) (protocol-port (url-prot url))) (url-port url))) (defun url-string-p (string) "Check whether the string looks like URL and return the protocol." (let ((non-alpha (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string)) host) (and non-alpha (char= #\: (char string non-alpha)) ; "[a-zA-Z]*:" (setq host (nstring-upcase (subseq string 0 non-alpha))) (null (port:logical-host-p host)) (kwd host)))) (defcustom *nntp-server* simple-string (or (getenv "NNTPSERVER") "localhost") "*The NNTP server to be user for `news' URLs.") (defun url-get-host (url) "Get the right host for the URL: if it is a `news', use `*nntp-server*'." (declare (type url url)) (case (url-prot url) (:http (if *http-proxy* (proxy-host *http-proxy*) (url-host url))) ((:news :nntp) (let ((host (url-host url))) (if (plusp (length host)) *nntp-server* host))) (t (url-host url)))) (defun url-path-parse (url) "Parse the path of URL, returning 3 values: DIR, FILE and ARGS." (setq url (url url)) (let* ((path (url-path url)) (?pos (position #\? path)) (/pos (1+ (or (position #\/ path :from-end t :end ?pos) -1)))) (values (subseq path 0 /pos) ; path (subseq path /pos ?pos) ; file (if ?pos (subseq path ?pos) "")))) ; args (defsubst url-path-dir (url) "Return the dir part of the URL's path." (values (url-path-parse url))) (defsubst url-path-file (url) "Return the file part of the URL's path." (nth-value 1 (url-path-parse url))) (defsubst url-path-args (url) "Return the args part of the URL's path." (nth-value 2 (url-path-parse url))) (defun path-absolute-p (string) (or (case (char string 0) ((#\/ #\\) t) (t nil)) ; absolute path #+(or win32 windows mswindows cygwin) ; w32 path: "c:..." (and (alpha-char-p (char string 0)) (char= #\: (char string 1))))) (defmethod print-object ((url url) (out stream)) "Print the URL in the standard form." (when *print-readably* (return-from print-object (call-next-method))) (when *print-escape* (write-string "\"" out)) (let ((*print-escape* nil)) (write (url-prot url) :stream out :case :downcase) (write-string ":" out) (unless (or (eq :mailto (url-prot url)) (eq :file (url-prot url)) (zerop (length (url-host url)))) (write-string "//" out)) (unless (zerop (length (url-user url))) (write (url-user url) :stream out) (unless (zerop (length (url-pass url))) (write-string "#" out) (write (url-pass url) :stream out)) (write-string "@" out)) (unless (zerop (length (url-host url))) (write (url-host url) :stream out) (unless (zerop (url-port url)) (write-string ":" out) (write (url-port url) :stream out))) (assert (or (zerop (length (url-path url))) (eq :news (url-prot url)) (eq :nntp (url-prot url)) (path-absolute-p (url-path url))) ((url-path url)) "non-absolute path in url: `~a'" (url-path url)) (when (and (not (zerop (length (url-host url)))) (or (eq :news (url-prot url)) (eq :nntp (url-prot url))) (not (zerop (length (url-path url)))) (not (char= #\/ (aref (url-path url) 0)))) (write-string "/" out)) (write-string (url-path url) out)) (when *print-escape* (write-string "\"" out))) (defcustom *url-special-chars* simple-string "#%&*+,-./:=?@_~" "*The string consisting of non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a URL.") (defun url-constituent-p (char) "Check whether the character can be part of a URL." (declare (character char)) (and (characterp char) (or (alphanumericp char) (find char *url-special-chars* :test #'char=)))) (defcustom *url-guess-protocol* list '(("www" . :http) ("web" . :http) ("w3" . :http) ("ftp" . :ftp) ("news" . :news) ("nntp" . :nntp)) "*The alist of (\"string\" . protocol) to guess the protocol from the host.") (eval-when (compile load eval) (fmakunbound 'url)) (declaim (ftype (function (t) url) url)) ;;;###autoload (defgeneric url (xx) (:documentation "Convert the object into URL. The argument can be: - a URL - returned untouched; - a string - it is non-destructively parsed; - a symbol - it is uninterned and its name is non-destructively parsed; - a stream - read from.") (:method ((xx url)) xx) (:method ((xx symbol)) (unintern xx) (url (symbol-name xx))) (:method ((xx stream)) (url (with-output-to-string (st) (peek-char t xx) ; skip whitespace (loop :for zz :of-type character = (read-char xx) :while (url-constituent-p zz) :do (write zz :stream st))))) (:method ((xx pathname)) (make-url :prot :file :path (namestring xx))) (:method ((xx string)) (let* ((string (string-trim +whitespace+ xx)) (url (make-url)) slashp (idx (position #\: string :test #'char=)) (start 0) idx0 (end (position #\? string :test #'char=))) (declare (simple-string string) (type index-t start) (type url url) (type (or null index-t) idx)) (when (path-absolute-p string) (setf (url-prot url) :file (url-path url) string) (return-from url url)) (when idx (setf (url-prot url) (kwd (nstring-upcase (subseq string 0 idx))) start (position #\/ string :start (1+ idx) :test #'char/= :end end) slashp (/= (1+ idx) start))) (when (and slashp (eq :file (url-prot url))) ; "file:/" (setf (url-path url) (subseq string (1- start))) (return-from url url)) (setq idx (case (url-prot url) ((:nntp :news) nil) (t (position #\@ string :start start :test #'char= :end end)))) (when idx (setq idx0 (position #\# string :start start :test #'char= :end end)) (if idx0 (setf (url-pass url) (subseq string (1+ idx0) idx) (url-user url) (subseq string start idx0)) (setf (url-user url) (subseq string start idx))) (setq start (1+ idx))) (setq idx (position #\: string :start start :test #'char= :end end)) (setq idx0 (position #\/ string :start start :test #'char= :end end)) (when idx (setf (url-port url) (parse-integer string :start (1+ idx) :end idx0))) (when idx0 (setf (url-path url) (subseq string idx0))) (if (and (not slashp) (or (eq :nntp (url-prot url)) (eq :news (url-prot url)))) (setf (url-path url) (concatenate 'string (subseq string start (or idx idx0)) (url-path url))) (setf (url-host url) (subseq string start (or idx idx0)))) (unless (url-prot url) (cond ((let ((pa (assoc (url-host url) *url-guess-protocol* :test (lambda (ho st) (declare (simple-string ho st)) (string-beg-with st ho))))) (when pa (setf (url-prot url) (cdr pa))))) ((position #\@ string :test #'char= :end end) (setf (url-prot url) :mailto)) ((error "url: `~a': no protocol specified" string)))) url))) (defcustom *url-sleep* (real 0) 30 "*The number of seconds to sleep when necessary.") (defcustom *url-timeout* (real 0) 86400 "*The default timeout, in seconds.") (defcustom *url-max-retry* (or null index-t) nil "*The default value of max-retry. If nil, retry ad infinitum, otherwise a positive fixnum.") (defcustom *url-open-init* boolean t "*Issue the initial commands in `open-url' (default :init argument).") (defcustom *url-error* (or null stream) *error-output* "*Where the errors go.") (defvar *url-caller*) (defun sleep-mesg (mesg) "Sleep for a random period of up to *URL-SLEEP* seconds. Print the appropriate message MESG to *URL-OUTPUT*." (let ((sleep (random *url-sleep*))) (mesg :log *url-error* "[~s] ~a; sleeping for ~d second~:p..." *url-caller* mesg sleep) (sleep sleep) (mesg :log *url-error* "done~%"))) (defsubst url-prot-bin (prot) "Return T if the protocol is binary." (declare (symbol prot)) (eq :time prot)) (defun open-socket-retry (host port &key bin ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:sleep *url-sleep*) *url-sleep*) ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*)) "Open a socket connection, retrying until success." (declare (simple-string host) (fixnum port)) (loop :with begt = (get-universal-time) :and err-cond :for ii :of-type index-t :upfrom 1 :for sock :of-type (or null socket) = (handler-case (progn (mesg :log *url-error* "~&[~d~@[/~d~]] Connecting to ~a:~d [timeout ~:d sec]..." ii *url-max-retry* host port *url-timeout*) (with-timeout (*url-timeout* (error 'timeout :proc 'open-socket-retry :host host :port port :time *url-timeout*)) (open-socket host port bin))) (error (co) (setq err-cond co) (mesg :log *url-error* "~%Error connecting: ~a~%" co))) :when sock :do (mesg :log *url-error* "done:~% [~a]~%" sock) :when (and sock (open-stream-p sock)) :return sock :when (and *url-max-retry* (>= ii *url-max-retry*)) :do (error 'network :proc 'open-socket-retry :host host :port port :mesg "max-retry [~a] exceeded~@[~% - last error: ~a~]" :args (list *url-max-retry* err-cond)) :when (>= (- (get-universal-time) begt) *url-timeout*) :do (error 'timeout :proc 'open-socket-retry :host host :port port :time *url-timeout*) :do (sleep-mesg "Error"))) (defun socket-send (sock messages finish-p) "Send the message to the socket. MESSAGES is a list of strings, each will be terminater with a CRLF. When FINISH-P is non-NIL, a final CRLF is also issued." (let ((fin #.(make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents '(#\Return #\Linefeed)))) (dolist (mesg messages) (mesg :log *url-output* "~&[~S]~A~%" *url-caller* mesg) (write-string mesg sock) (write-string fin sock)) (when finish-p (write-string fin sock) (mesg :log *url-output* "~&[~S]<terpri>~%" *url-caller*)) (finish-output sock))) (defun open-url (url &key ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:init *url-open-init*) *url-open-init*) ((:nntp-server *nntp-server*) *nntp-server*) ((:sleep *url-sleep*) *url-sleep*) ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Open a socket connection to the URL. When INIT keyword argument is non-nil (default - `cllib::*url-open-init*'), issue the appropriate initial commands: if this is an HTTP URL, also issue the GET command; if this is an FTP URL, login and cwd; if this is a NEWS/NNTP URL, set group and possibly request article; if this is a WHOIS/FINGER URL, ask about the host/user. If timeout is non-nil, it specifies the number of seconds before the error `timeout' is signaled." (declare (type url url)) (case (url-prot url) (:file (return-from open-url (open (url-path url) :direction :input))) (:http (http-proxy))) (loop :with begt = (get-universal-time) :and host = (url-get-host url) :and port = (url-get-port url) :for sock :of-type socket = (open-socket-retry host port :bin (url-prot-bin (url-prot url))) :when (or (null *url-open-init*) (handler-case (with-timeout (*url-timeout* nil) (case (url-prot url) ((:http :www) (setq sock (url-open-http sock url))) (:ftp (url-ask sock :conn) (url-login-ftp sock url)) (:telnet (dolist (word (split-string (url-path url) "/") t) (socket-send word sock nil))) ((:whois :finger :cfinger) (socket-send (url-path-file url) sock nil) t) (:mailto (url-ask sock :conn)) ((:news :nntp) (url-ask sock :noop) (unless (zerop (length (url-path url))) (let* ((strs (split-string (url-path url) "/")) (group (and (not (find #\@ (car strs) :test #'char=)) (car strs))) (article (if group (cadr strs) (concatenate 'string ; msgid "<" (car strs) ">")))) (when group (url-ask sock :group "group ~a" group)) (when article (url-ask sock :article "article ~a" article)))) t) ((:time :daytime) t) (t (error 'code :proc 'open-url :args (list (url-prot url)) :mesg "Cannot handle protocol ~s")))) ((or code login net-path) (co) (error co)) (error (co) (mesg :err *url-error* "Connection to <~a> dropped:~% - ~a~%" url co)))) :return sock :when sock :do (close sock) :when (> (- (get-universal-time) begt) *url-timeout*) :do (error 'timeout :proc 'open-url :host host :port port :time *url-timeout*) :do (sleep-mesg "Connection dropped"))) (defcustom *url-bytes-transferred* integer 0 "The number of bytes transferred during the current connection.") (makunbound '*url-bytes-transferred*) (defcustom *url-opening-time* (integer 0) 0 "The time when the current connection was open.") (makunbound '*url-opening-time*) (defmacro with-open-url ((socket url &key (rt '*readtable*) err (max-retry '*url-max-retry*) (timeout '*url-timeout*) (init '*url-open-init*)) &body body) "Execute BODY, binding SOCK to the socket corresponding to the URL. `*readtable*' is temporarily set to RT (defaults to `*readtable*'). ERR is the stream for information messages or NIL for none." (with-gensyms ("WOU-" uuu) `(let* ((,uuu (url ,url)) (*readtable* ,rt) (*url-max-retry* ,max-retry) (*url-timeout* ,timeout) (*url-error* ,err) (*url-open-init* ,init) (,socket (open-url ,uuu)) (*url-opening-time* (get-int-time nil)) (*url-bytes-transferred* 0)) (declare (type url ,uuu) (type socket ,socket)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (when (open-stream-p ,socket) (case (url-prot ,uuu) ((:ftp :mailto) (url-ask ,socket :quit "quit")) ((:news :nntp) (url-ask ,socket :nntp-quit "quit"))) (close ,socket)))))) (defcustom *url-user-agent* string (format nil "CLOCC/CLLIB/url.lisp (~a)" (lisp-implementation-type)) "*The ID string sent by `url-open-http'.") (defun url-open-http (sock url) "Open the socket to the HTTP url. Sends the request, returns an open socket on success or signals an error." (declare (type socket sock) (type url url)) (http-proxy) (let ((code 0) (status "") (request (list* (format nil "GET ~a HTTP/1.0" (if *http-proxy* url (if (zerop (length (url-path url))) "/" (url-path url)))) (format nil "User-Agent: ~a" *url-user-agent*) (format nil "Host: ~a" (url-host url)) "Accept: */*" "Connection: close" (and (first *http-proxy*) (list (format nil "Authorization: Basic ~A~%" (base64-encode (map 'vector #'char-code (first *http-proxy*))))))))) (socket-send sock request t) (setq status (read-line sock)) (unless (string-beg-with "http/" status) (error 'net-path :proc 'url-open-http :host (url-host url) :port (url-port url) :mesg "~s: ~a" :args (list request status))) (let* ((pos1 (position #\Space status)) (pos2 (position #\Space status :start (1+ pos1)))) (setq code (parse-integer status :start pos1 :end pos2))) (when (>= code 400) (error 'net-path :proc 'url-open-http :host (url-host url) :port (url-port url) :mesg "~s: [~a] ~a~%" :args (list (url-path url) code status))) (if (>= code 300) ; redirection (loop :for res = (read-line sock) :until (string-beg-with "Location: " res) :finally (let ((new-url (url (subseq res #.(length "Location: "))))) (when (equal "" (url-host new-url)) (setf (url-host new-url) (url-host url))) (format *url-error* " *** redirected to `~a' [~a]~%" new-url res) (return (open-url new-url)))) sock))) ; success! (defun http-parse-header (sock &key ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*)) "Read the headers, when there there is none, return nil, otherwise, return the hash-table of headers." (unless (char= #\< (peek-char t sock)) (let ((ret (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (loop (let ((line (read-line sock))) (when (zerop (length line)) (return ret)) (mesg :log *url-output* "~&[~S]~S~%" *url-caller* line) (let ((pos (position #\: line))) (if pos (setf (gethash (subseq line 0 pos) ret) (subseq line (+ 2 pos))) (warn "~s: invalid header: ~s" 'http-parse-header line)))))))) (defcustom *url-replies* hash-table (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (dolist (cc '(((:user) 331 332) ((:pass) 230 332) ((:acct) 230 202) ((:syst) 215) ((:stat :mdtm) 211 212 213) ((:abor) 225 226) ((:cwd :rnto :dele :rmd) 250) ((:mkd :pwd) 257) ((:cdup :mode :type :stru :port :noop) 200) ((:quit) 221) ((:help) 211 214) ((:smnt) 202 250) ((:rein) 120 220) ((:pasv) 227) ((:allo :site) 200 202) ((:rest :rnfr) 350) ((:stor :list :stou :retr) 125 150 226 250) ((:xover) 224) ((:group) 211) ((:article) 220) ((:nntp-quit) 205) ((:nntp-list) 215) ((:smtp-data) 250 354) ((:conn) 220) ((:smtp-helo :mail-from :rcpt-to) 250)) ht) (dolist (re (car cc)) (setf (gethash re ht) (cdr cc))))) "*The table of URL requests and replies, for use in `url-ask'. See RFC959 (FTP) &c.") (defcustom *url-errors* hash-table (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (dolist (cc '(((:group) 411) ((:article) 423 430)) ht) (dolist (re (car cc)) (setf (gethash re ht) (cdr cc))))) "*The table of URL requests and error replies, for use in `url-ask'.") (defun url-ask (sock end &rest req) "Send a request; read the response." (declare (type socket sock) (type (or (unsigned-byte 10) symbol list) end)) (when req (socket-send sock (list (apply #'format nil req)) nil)) (loop :with endl :of-type list = (typecase end (integer (list end)) (list end) (symbol (or (gethash end *url-replies*) (error 'code :proc 'url-ask :args (list end) :mesg "invalid response id: ~s"))) (t (error 'case-error :proc 'url-ask :args (list 'end end 'integer 'list 'symbol)))) :for ln :of-type simple-string = (string-right-trim +whitespace+ (read-line sock)) :for len :of-type index-t = (length ln) :and code :of-type (or null (unsigned-byte 10)) = nil :do (mesg :log *url-error* "~&url-ask[~s]: ~a~%" end ln) :while (or (< len 3) (and (> len 3) (char/= #\Space (schar ln 3))) (null (setq code (parse-integer ln :end 3 :junk-allowed t))) (and (< code 400) endl (not (member code endl :test #'=)))) :finally (if (< code 400) (return (values ln code)) (multiple-value-bind (ho po) (socket-host/port sock) (error (if (member code (gethash end *url-errors*) :test #'=) 'net-path 'network) :proc 'url-ask :host ho :port po :mesg ln))))) ;;; ;;; }}}{{{ ftp ;;; (defun ftp-parse-sextuple (line) "Convert a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1 to HOST and PORT." (declare (simple-string line)) (let* ((p0 (position #\) line :from-end t)) (p1 (position #\, line :from-end t :end p0)) (p2 (position #\, line :from-end t :end (1- p1)))) (declare (type index-t p1 p2)) (setf (schar line p1) #\Space (schar line p2) #\Space) (nsubstitute #\. #\, line) (values (subseq line (1+ (or (position #\( line :from-end t) -1)) p2) (+ (ash (parse-integer line :start p2 :end p1) 8) (parse-integer line :start p1 :end p0))))) (defun ftp-get-passive-socket (sock bin) "Get a passive socket." (declare (type socket sock)) (multiple-value-call #'open-socket-retry (ftp-parse-sextuple (url-ask sock :pasv "pasv")) :max-retry 5 :bin bin)) (defcustom *ftp-anonymous-passwords* list '("abc@ftp.net" "abc@") "*The list of passwords to try with anonymous ftp login. Some ftp servers do not like `user@host' if `host' is not what they expect.") (defun url-login-ftp (sock url) "Login and cd to the FTP url." (declare (type socket sock) (type url url)) (multiple-value-bind (host port co) (socket-host/port sock) (dolist (pwd *ftp-anonymous-passwords* (error 'login :proc 'url-login-ftp :host host :port port :mesg "All passwords failed: ~{ ~s~}~% -- ~a" :args (list *ftp-anonymous-passwords* co))) (url-ask sock :user "user ~a" (if (zerop (length (url-user url))) "anonymous" (url-user url))) (unless (typep (setq co (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (url-ask sock :pass "pass ~a" (if (zerop (length (url-pass url))) pwd (url-pass url)))))) 'error) (return))) (ignore-errors (url-ask sock nil "syst")) ; :syst ;; (url-ask sock :type "type i") (ignore-errors (url-ask sock nil "stat")) ; :stat (let ((dir (url-path-dir url))) (unless (zerop (length dir)) (handler-bind ((network (lambda (co) (error 'net-path :proc 'url-login-ftp :host host :port port :mesg "CWD error:~% - ~a" :args (list (port::net-mesg co)))))) (url-ask sock :cwd "cwd ~a" dir)))))) (defcustom *buffer* (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (10240)) (make-array 10240 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) "The download buffer - simple array of bytes. The reasonable value for it's length is determined by your connection speed. I recommend 10240 for 112kbps ISDN and 2048 for 28.8kbps, i.e., approximately, the number of bytes you can receive per second.") (defun socket-to-file (data path &key rest ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*)) "Read from a binary socket to a file. Read until the end, then close the socket." (declare (type socket data) (type pathname path)) (with-open-file (fl path :direction :output :element-type 'unsigned-byte :if-exists (if rest :append :supersede)) (loop :for pos :of-type index-t = (read-sequence *buffer* data) :do (write-sequence *buffer* fl :end pos) :sum pos :of-type file-size-t :when *url-output* :do (princ "." *url-output*) (force-output *url-output*) :while (= pos (length *buffer*)) :finally (when *url-output* (terpri *url-output*)) :finally (close data)))) (defun url-eta (len) "Return the ETA for the given length or nil or cannot determine." (declare (type (or null real) len)) (and len (boundp '*url-bytes-transferred*) (not (zerop *url-bytes-transferred*)) (/ (* len (elapsed *url-opening-time* nil)) *url-bytes-transferred*))) (defun ftp-mdtm (sock file &key ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*)) "Return the modification time of a remote file. Signal an error if cannot." (declare (type socket sock) (string file)) (let* ((res (url-ask sock :mdtm "mdtm ~a" file)) (pos (1+ (position #\Space res))) (time (encode-universal-time (parse-integer res :start (+ pos 12) :end (+ pos 14)) (parse-integer res :start (+ pos 10) :end (+ pos 12)) (parse-integer res :start (+ pos 8) :end (+ pos 10)) (parse-integer res :start (+ pos 6) :end (+ pos 8)) (parse-integer res :start (+ pos 4) :end (+ pos 6)) (parse-integer res :start pos :end (+ pos 4)) 0))) (mesg :log *url-output* " * ~a --> ~a~%" file (dttm->string time)) time)) (defun ftp-get-file (sock rmt loc &key (reget t) (bin t) (retry 2) ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the remote file RMT from the FTP socket SOCK, writing it into the local directory LOC. Log to OUT. Append if the file exists and REGET is non-nil. Use binary mode if BIN is non-nil (default). Retry (+ 1 RETRY) times if the file length doesn't match the expected. Return the file size, elapsed time as number and string, and the pathname of the downloaded file." (declare (type socket sock) (type index-t retry) (simple-string rmt)) (let* ((data (ftp-get-passive-socket sock t)) (tot 0) (bt (get-int-time nil)) (path (merge-pathnames rmt loc)) (rest (when (and reget (probe-file path)) (let ((sz (file-size path))) (mesg :log *url-output* "File `~a' exists (~:d bytes), ~ ~:[appending~;overwriting~]...~%" path sz (zerop sz)) (unless (zerop sz) (url-ask sock :rest "rest ~d" sz) sz)))) (line (progn (url-ask sock :type "type ~:[a~;i~]" bin) (url-ask sock :retr "retr ~a" rmt))) ; 150 (pos (position #\( line :from-end t)) (len (when pos (read-from-string line nil nil :start (1+ pos))))) (declare (type socket data) (type file-size-t tot) (type pathname path) (type (integer 0) bt) (type (or null file-size-t) rest len)) ;; (when rest (decf len rest)) (if (null len) (mesg :log *url-output* "File lenth unknown.~%") (mesg :log *url-output* "Expect ~:d dot~:p for ~:d bytes~@[ [~/pr-secs/]~]~%" (ceiling (1+ len) (length *buffer*)) len (url-eta len))) (setq tot (socket-to-file data path :rest rest)) (url-ask sock :retr) ; 226 (cond ((or (null len) (= tot len)) (when (boundp '*url-bytes-transferred*) (incf *url-bytes-transferred* tot)) (multiple-value-call #'values tot (elapsed bt nil t) path)) ((plusp retry) (mesg :log *url-output* "### Wrong file length: ~:d (expected: ~:d [~@:d]) +++ ~r more attempt~:p +++~%" tot len (- tot len) retry) (ftp-get-file sock rmt loc :reget nil :bin bin :retry (1- retry))) ((error "Wrong file length: ~:d (expected: ~:d [~@:d])" tot len (- tot len)))))) (defun url-ftp-get (url loc &rest opts &key ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) timestamp ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) &allow-other-keys &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the file specified by the URL, writing it into a local file. If TIMESTAMP is given, it should be universal time in seconds since 1900, if the remote file is older than this, it is not downloaded. The local file is located in directory LOC and has the same name as the remote one." (declare (type url url)) (mesg :log *url-output* "~& *** getting `~a'...~%" url) (with-open-url (sock url) (if (and timestamp (> timestamp (or (ignore-errors (ftp-mdtm sock (url-path-file url))) (get-universal-time)))) (mesg :log *url-output* " --- ignored: file too old~%") (multiple-value-bind (tot el st) (apply #'ftp-get-file sock (url-path-file url) loc (remove-plist opts :max-retry :timestamp)) (mesg :log *url-output* " *** done [~:d bytes, ~a, ~:d bytes/sec]~%" tot st (round tot el)))))) (defun ftp-list (sock &key name ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the file list." (declare (type socket sock)) (let ((data (ftp-get-passive-socket sock nil))) (url-ask sock :list "list~@[ ~a~]" name) ; 150 (loop :for line = (read-line data nil nil) :while line :do (mesg :log *url-output* "~a~%" (string-right-trim +whitespace+ line))) (url-ask sock :list))) ; 226 ;;; ;;; }}}{{{ mail ;;; (defun url-send-mail (url &key ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) (text (current-time nil)) (helo *mail-host-address*) (from *user-mail-address*)) "Send TEXT to URL (which should be a MAILTO)." (declare (type url url) (simple-string text helo from)) (assert (eq :mailto (url-prot url)) (url) "url-send-mail: `~a' is not a `mailto'" url) (with-open-url (sock url) (url-ask sock :smtp-helo "helo ~a" helo) ; 250 (url-ask sock :mail-from "mail from: ~a" from) ; 250 (url-ask sock :rcpt-to "rcpt to: ~a@~a" ; 250 (url-user url) (url-host url)) (url-ask sock :smtp-data "data") ; 354 (url-ask sock :smtp-data "~a~%." text))) ; 250 ;;; ;;; }}}{{{ news ;;; (defstruct (article) (numb 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32)) ; article number (subj "" :type simple-string) ; subject (auth "" :type simple-string) ; author (dttm 0 :type (integer 0)) ; date/time (msid "" :type simple-string) ; message-ID (msid1 "" :type simple-string) ; ???? (bytes 0 :type file-size-t) ; size in bytes (lines 0 :type index-t) ; size in lines (xref nil :type list)) ; list of cross-references (defmethod print-object ((art article) (out stream)) (if *print-readably* (call-next-method) (format out "~:[~;\"~]~d~c~a~c~a~c~a~c~a~c~d~c~d~cXref:~{ ~a~}~:[~;\"~]" *print-escape* (article-numb art) #\Tab (article-subj art) #\Tab (article-auth art) #\Tab (dttm->string (article-dttm art)) #\Tab (article-msid art) #\Tab (article-bytes art) #\Tab (article-lines art) #\Tab (article-xref art) *print-escape*))) (defun string->article (string) "Parse the string as returned by `xover'." (declare (simple-string string)) (multiple-value-bind (numb subj auth dttm msid msid1 bytes lines xref) (values-list (split-string string '(#\Tab) :strict t)) (make-article :numb (parse-integer numb) :subj subj :auth auth :dttm (string->dttm dttm) :msid msid :msid1 msid1 :bytes (parse-integer bytes) :lines (parse-integer lines) :xref (cdr (split-string xref " "))))) (defun url-dump-to-dot (sock &key (out *standard-output*) collect) "Read from SOCK until dot." (declare (type socket sock) (type (or string stream) out)) (let ((str (if (streamp out) out (open out :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))) (declare (stream str)) (unwind-protect (loop :for st :of-type simple-string = (read-trim sock) :until (string= "." st) :do (write-string st str) (terpri str) :when collect :collect st) (unless (streamp out) (close str))))) (defun url-get-news (url loc &key ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) re &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the news article to the OUT stream. When RE is supplied, articles whose subject match it are retrieved." (declare (type url url)) (assert (or (eq :nntp (url-prot url)) (eq :news (url-prot url))) (url) "url-get-news: `~a' is not a `news'" url) (flet ((out (st) (if loc (merge-pathnames st loc) *url-output*))) (with-open-url (sock url) (let ((spl (split-string (url-path url) "/"))) (cond ((cadr spl) ; group and article (url-dump-to-dot sock :out (out (cadr spl)))) ((car spl) ; group or msgid only (if (find #\@ (car spl) :test #'char=) ; msgid ? (url-dump-to-dot sock :out (out (car spl))) (multiple-value-bind (na a1 a2) ; group (values-list (string-tokens (url-ask sock :group "group ~a" (car spl)) ; 211 :start 3 :max 3)) (let ((nm (format nil "~d-~d" a1 a2))) (format *url-output* "~:d articles, from ~:d to ~:d~%" na a1 a2) (url-ask sock :xover "xover ~a" nm) ; 224 (let ((ls (map-in #'string->article (url-dump-to-dot sock :out (out nm) :collect t)))) (when re (dolist (art ls) (when (search re (article-subj art)) (url-ask sock :article "article ~d" ; 220 (article-numb art)) (url-dump-to-dot sock :out (out (article-numb art)))))) ls))))) (t ; not even group, just host (url-ask sock :nntp-list "list active") ; 215 (url-dump-to-dot sock :out (out "active")))))))) ;;; ;;; }}}{{{ time ;;; (defcustom *time-servers* list '("clock.psu.edu" "black-ice.cc.vt.edu" "clock1.unc.edu" "time-b.nist.gov" "time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov" "clock-1.cs.cmu.edu" "ntp0.cornell.edu") "Public NTP servers (secondary). For additional servers see http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.htm") ;;;###autoload (defun url-time (&optional (url *time-servers*) &key ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the time out of the date/time url." (etypecase url (string (multiple-value-call #'values (url-time (make-url :prot :time :host url)) (url-time (make-url :prot :daytime :host url)))) (sequence (map 'list (lambda (uu) (format *url-output* "~&~a:" uu) (force-output *url-output*) (let ((val (multiple-value-list (url-time uu)))) (format *url-output* "~{~30t[~a -- ~a~@[ [~d]~]]~%~}" val) val)) url)) (url (with-open-url (sock url) (ecase (url-prot url) (:time (let ((nn (+ (ash (read-byte sock) 24) (ash (read-byte sock) 16) (ash (read-byte sock) 8) (read-byte sock)))) (values nn (dttm->string nn) (- nn (get-universal-time))))) (:daytime (let ((str (read-line sock))) (if (zerop (length str)) (values) (values (string->dttm (copy-seq str)) str nil))))))))) ;;; ;;; }}}{{{ browse ;;; (defcustom *browsers* list '((:netscape "netscape" "~a") (:netscape-window "netscape" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-window)") (:netscape-tab "netscape" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-tab)") (:mozilla "mozilla" "~a") (:mozilla-window "mozilla" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-window)") (:mozilla-tab "mozilla" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-tab)") (:firefox "firefox" "~a") (:firefox-window "firefox" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-window)") (:firefox-tab "firefox" "-remote" "openURL(~a,new-tab)") (:konqueror "kfmclient" "openURL" "~a") (:lynx "lynx" "~a") (:lynx-xterm "xterm" "-e" "lynx" "~a") (:links "links" "~a") (:links-xterm "xterm" "-e" "links" "~a") (:w3m "w3m" "~a") (:w3m-xterm "xterm" "-e" "w3m" "~a") (:mmm "mmm" "-external" "~a") (:mosaic "xmosaic" "~a") (:emacs-w3 "gnudoit" "-q" "(w3-fetch \"~a\")")) "The ALIST of browsers.") (defcustom *browser* (or symbol list) nil "The default browser. Should be either a key in the `*browsers*' alist or value in it, i.e., a list of a shell command and arguments (which can contain `~a' which is replaced with the URL to view). The default value is NIL: the URL is printer to `*standard-output*' so that the user gets to type it into a browser.") ;;;###autoload (defun browse-url (url &key (browser *browser*) ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Run the browser (a keyword in `*browsers*' or a list) on the URL." (let* ((command (etypecase browser (list browser) (symbol (or (cdr (assoc browser *browsers* :test #'eq)) (error "unknown browser: `~s' (must be a key in `~s')" browser '*browsers*))))) (args (mapcar (lambda (arg) (format nil arg url)) (cdr command)))) (cond (command (mesg :log *url-output* "~&;; running [~s~{ ~s~}]..." (car command) args) (run-prog (car command) :args args :wait nil) (mesg :log *url-output* "done~%")) ((format t "~s: no browser specified; please point your browser at --> <URL:~a>~%" 'browse-url url))))) ;;;###autoload (defun dump-url (url &key (fmt "~3d: ~a~%") ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) (proc #'identity) ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) ((:nntp-server *nntp-server*) *nntp-server*) ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Dump the URL line by line. FMT is the printing format. 2 args are given: line number and the line itself. FMT defaults to \"~3d: ~a~%\". OUT is the output stream and defaults to `*standard-output*'. This is mostly a debugging function, to be called interactively." (declare (type url url) (function proc)) (format *url-output* "Opening URL: `~a'...~%" url) (with-open-url (sock url) (loop :for ii :of-type index-t :from 1 :and rr = (read-line sock nil nil) :until (or (null rr) (and (eq :nntp (url-prot url)) (string= "." rr))) :do (format *url-output* fmt ii (funcall proc (string-right-trim +whitespace+ rr)))))) (defun flush-http (sock) "Read everything from the HTTP socket SOCK, until a blank line." (loop :for line = (read-line sock nil nil) :while (and line (plusp (length line)) (not (string= line #.(string #\Return)))) :collect line)) ;;;###autoload (defun url-get (url loc &key ((:timeout *url-timeout*) *url-timeout*) ((:max-retry *url-max-retry*) *url-max-retry*) ((:err *url-error*) *url-error*) ((:out *url-output*) *url-output*) &aux (*url-caller* 'open-url)) "Get the URL. This is the function to be called in programs. Arguments: URL - what to get, LOC - where to place it. Keywords: `timeout', `max-retry', `out', `err'." (declare (type url url)) (case (url-prot url) (:ftp (url-ftp-get url loc)) ((:nntp :news) (url-get-news url loc)) ((:http :www) (let* ((path (merge-pathnames (url-path-file url) loc)) (bt (get-int-time nil)) (size (with-open-url (sock url) (flush-http sock) ;; sock is a character stream, ;; and socket-to-file expects a byte stream (port:set-socket-stream-format sock '(unsigned-byte 8)) (socket-to-file sock path)))) (declare (type file-size-t size)) (multiple-value-bind (el st) (elapsed bt nil t) (declare (double-float el)) (mesg :log *url-output* "Wrote `~a' [~:d bytes, ~a, ~:d bytes/sec]." path size st (round size el))))) (t (error 'code :proc 'url-get :mesg "Cannot handle protocol ~s" :args (list (url-prot url)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun whois (host &rest keys) "Get the whois information on a host." (apply #'dump-url (make-url :prot :whois :host "rs.internic.net" :path (concatenate 'string "/" (string host))) :fmt "~*~a~%" keys)) ;;;###autoload (defun finger (address &rest keys &key gnu &allow-other-keys) "Finger the mail address." (let* ((str-address (string address)) (pos (position #\@ str-address :test #'char=))) (declare (simple-string str-address) (type (unsigned-byte 10) pos)) (apply #'dump-url (make-url :prot (if gnu :cfinger :finger) :host (subseq str-address (1+ pos)) :path (concatenate 'string "/" (subseq str-address 0 pos))) :fmt "~*~a~%" (remove-plist keys :gnu)))) (provide :cllib-url) ;;; }}} url.lisp ends here